Thursday, May 20, 2010

Test Run Complete....

The test run worked out well. It was a slightly chilly evening but a beautiful one none the less. Nice and warm by the firepit. We promised our little guy we would watch Toy Story 2 since we just picked it up and Angie and I hadn't seen it since around when it came out. Can't wait to have everyone over to enjoy some summer movies under the stars.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sound System

Tested out the "sound system" this evening. The system is currently made up of two 6x9 car speakers for fronts, an old center channel from an old surround sound system and then two old surround sound speakers from an old radio system. The console is the old radio system that is set up for Dolby 5.1/DTS and has a powered sub out. I will likely leave the sub inside for most movies, but on the blockbusters, I might have to bring it out. I must say, I am happy with the sound the system generates and it should be more than loud enough to handle the backyard. I was hoping to test out the screen and maybe a quick movie, but alas, the rain moved in and the test night will have to be put on hold. 'Til the next chance.

Friday, May 14, 2010